Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sleep Training Night 1

I give us a C+ for last night's sleep training.

Ollie went down at about 8 p.m. and slept until about 12.30 a.m., which is pretty good. I fed him when he woke up and then put him back in his crib, where he fell asleep within minutes. He woke again at 2.30 a.m. and we took him in with us because we were really worried about him waking Logan. However, we did not feed him, about which he complained for about 15 minutes then fell asleep.

He woke up again at 4.30, but this time we fed him. Baby steps, people. I'd like to meet the person who could stay tough in the face of those huge tears and the Sad Baby Face(tm).

So...points for not feeding at 2.30 a.m. Maybe we'll focus on breaking that one feeding cycle first. If he could do a midnight to 4 a.m. stretch, I would consider that progress.

Stay tuned.

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