Thursday, March 26, 2009

Seven Scary Minutes

I knew this day would come. This morning in a flurry of getting the boys out of the car and into day care, I locked Logan in the car.

All is was about seven minutes from my realizing I'd done it to me pulling him out. Logan thought the entire thing was a huge game of peek-a-boo, so he's fine. But my hands were shaking and my heart was pounding for most of the morning. Aunt Emily calls it "Mommy Head": when the "what if" thoughts start racing (What if the car was on? What if we were in a parking lot instead of at day care? What if it was really hot out?).

The day care staff rallied like soldiers when I burst in the door asking for the phone. Those folks are good in a crisis, I don't think this is the first time they've seen this. The director went out to stand by the car so Logan would not get scared (this is how the peek-a-boo got started). A teacher from the infant room came out to get Ollie from me and bring him to his room so he would be safe in the scuffle. A third teacher got the fire department on the phone in case I could not reach Larry.

Anyway, Daddy drove up in his shiny red car moments later to save the day, and now Logan is happily announcing that "Daddy fixed the car!"



Miranda and Roger said...

whew....... mommy brain strikes again.

Felicia said...

Great job to both of you!!

Bethany said...

OMG, I would have totally freaked. Glad it was a quick fix. I was watching this thing on TV and it was a "what SHOULD you do in this situation" type of deal.

They said, if you see a kid alone in a car, you should break the window farthest from the kid and get them out ASAP. I'm totally going to use this in my defense if needed. Please reference this blog comment and prepare to testify.

Kidding aside, whew.