Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Think You Had a Tough Week?

Things I have experienced this week:
  • Being projectile vomited on. Not near. ON.
  • Cleaning vomit off baby's hair with my T-shirt.
  • Three hours of sleep per night, segmented like this: In bed at 11, awakened at 1, rocking and nursing fussy baby until 2, cleaning up ensuing vomit, rocking fussy baby again, back to sleep around 4, awakened by whiney toddler at 5.
  • Changing third blowout diaper in an hour, brought my hand up to brush hair out of my eyes. So tired I didn't realize I was still holding diaper. Smacked dirty side of diaper against my cheek and lips. (This is the second most disgusting thing that has happened to me with my babies (not counting childbirth, of course). The first was when I lifted Logan in the air when he was a baby to make him giggle and he spit up straight down onto my face and mouth.)

It's been a horrible week for Ollie and for us, but he seems to be over the worst of it and had a good day, keeping down Pedialyte, formula and a little bit of solids and taking two walks with Grammy. He's been fever free since the weekend, which is great, so I think we're close to closing the book on this one.


Ellen said...

Oh my God, Amy. I sincerely hope you're past the worst of it. I can't lie...bullet four caused me to laugh. Very loud. Then exclaim, "Eww".

Felicia said...

Aww, you poor guys. I hope the coming holiday proves to give all of you some much needed rest.

Tim Wilson said...

Yikes! Well. Um. At least you didn't spray gasoline all over yourself. Looking for that silver lining!

Aunt Emily said...

I'm sorry, but I too laughed VERY hard on the last point of the last bullet.

Aunt Emily said...

Oh, and also...the poop on face is VERY MIranda Hobbes. If that helps.