Big L returned from his birthday weekend (
birthday morning photo at right) to start in a new preschool class this past week, moving up from "early preschool." We'll really miss his early preschool teachers, who were instrumental in keeping things "normal" for him during this past year. I'm sure they are feeling somewhat relieved at not having to repeatedly answer the question "Can we fix the light?"
He moved up to the new class with several little pals from his previous class (including his
buddy J), which has been helpful. Dropoff was pretty stressful this past week, as he kept marching to his old room and swinging open the door to go inside, and we had to tell him we were "just saying hi to the old gang" and then redirect him to the new room, where he was not at all happy to be left.

We have high hopes that the peer potty pressure will take a firmer hold in this class, where the majority of the class is potty trained. He has been making good progress at home (I'll spare everyone the details) but it's not a regular thing...yet.
It's very uncharacteristic of me but I can't really work up much anxiety about this. I'm pretty sure he's not going to go to college in diapers. (Of course, now that I jinxed it by putting it in writing...)
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