Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holiday Photos Episode 1

This weekend included a visit by Grammy Helen, Grandad Larry and Aunt Felicia, followed by lunch today at Grammy Carol and Fauxpa's to celebrate the first night of Hanukkah. Also present at lunch were Aunt Emily, Uncle Bill, Wills and honorary (heaven help her) family member Amy L. Whew!

Of course, Ollie and Logan are making out like bandits gift-wise. Subsequent posts will include reviews of Logan's faves for this season (Ollie is only recently discovering his own limbs and thus is not qualified to pick favorite toys just yet).

Oliver with Grammy Helen. That is the look of a child who knows the fun has just begun.

Logan getting a little tired of the photo-taking. And yet NOT all that tired of the gift-opening.

Oliver with Aunt Felicia in new Space Invaders jammies (Oliver, not Felicia).

Logan and Wills color Hanukkah shapes.

Felicia and Grammy Helen escaped before we were all forced to don paper hats for a group photo. Note Uncle Bill had to hold Wills and Logan in order to get them to sit still for this photo.

1 comment:

Miranda and Roger said...

Looks like you had a WONDERFUL Chrismakkha!!