Friday, September 4, 2009

Throw In a Chemical Peel for Mommy and You've Got a Deal

We had a good visit this week with the cosmetic surgeon about Oliver's preauricular tags (love it! new medical terms to learn!), known more commonly as "harmless skin tags in front of his ears." There are little lumps right in front of his ears and the tragus on one ear is malformed. It's a preemie thing. Avery didn't have them, though. Will forever be mystified about how identical twins can be so unidentical.

The surgeon was very good with Ollie, who was getting fussy after a long wait. She says she can remove the tags with "hairline" scars. She is not sure about reshaping the tragus and will have to wait until she's "in there" (her words) to determine if she can reshape some cartilage or just remove the malformed part. I have spent a lot of time over the past few days staring at Ollie's ears. Ears in general are really funny looking. Go take a look!

The surgery is about 45 minutes and she can do both sides at once (I was worried we might be in for two procedures) and the recovery with stitches is only about a week. Cartilage takes longer to heal so if there is reshaping I think it's more recovery. I'm not clear how we keep him from pulling on the stitches but I'm sure specifics are forthcoming.

Now we'll try to decide when to do all of this.

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