Saturday, July 11, 2009

Chompers #3-6

After an incredibly fussy few days, I made a spur of the moment decision this morning to bring Oliver to the Saturday clinic. With the recent bronchitis, the near miss on the ear infection, the three-a-night wakings...something didn't "feel right" to me.

Turns out something doesn't "feel right" to Ollie, either. He has four new teeth trying to break through, in adidition to the two new ones that already broke through on the bottom. After examining his ears, throat and other potential trouble spots, the doctor took a peek at his gums and said "Ah-hah!" Then she showed me the two front teeth starting to push against the gums and the ridge of white on the other sides of the top gum that signals some additional visitors. I'd been so enamored of the new bottom teeth I was not expecting the top ones so soon. This didn't happen with Logan, his teeth kind of came in steadily.

No wonder Oliver has seemed miserable. I would, too. Anyway, it's Tylenol, Orajel and frozen waffles until he gets through this and then maybe he'll have some time to enjoy them.

1 comment:

Miranda and Roger said...

whew! poor little ollie! that's a mouth full of teeth all at once. :-(