Sunday, October 26, 2008

Come On, Baby!

We came very close to our family breaking point last night, one of those "bad nights" that you get with newborns. I had a horrible sore throat and cough, on top of just being generally tired. Oliver was extremely fussy, and Larry was up almost all night trying to keep him calm. All of the activity woke Logan several times during the night.

Early this morning we were all in the living room in various states of exhaustion, except for Logan who was chipper and demanding waffles. I went to change Oliver's diaper and when I came back, Logan was climbing into the chair we use to feed Oliver. He settled the Boppy pillow on his lap, and said, "Come on, baby!" It's moments like those that keep you going through the hellish early newborn months.


Anonymous said...

It's great to see that the "Come on, baby!" comment not only brightened a bleak morning, but it did so sufficiently that one of you had the presence of mind to remember where the camera was and snap a picture! What a great smile on Logan!

Anonymous said...

Love this photo... so cute!

Unknown said...

Wow, this blog really brings me back ... and not in a good way. How tiring those first months are. And you just live for those heartbreakingly sweet moments that gives you just enough energy to make it through another day and night.

But despite the sleep deprivation, you still know that your two little boys are angels, and you are lucky to have them. And eventually you'll sleep again, and be well.

Thanks for the picture.