Monday, October 27, 2008

Marathon Mom

There are many, many things "nobody" tells you about pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. There are more things people do not admit/concede/acknowledge than things they do.

One of these many, many things is that feeding your baby 8-10 times a day for 45 mintues to an hour each feeding can be...boring. I really want to be the person who gazes lovingly at my baby for 8 hours a day, needing nothing more than the sight of his sweet visage to satisfy me during the long hours. This is the behavior I imagine in some of my earthy-mom friends. And I do love the sight of Sweet Oliver's face. But the mind wanders.

So here is a list of the embarrassing things I've resorted to watching on TV during the past few weeks.

American's Next Top Model. I stumbled upon a marathon, but somehow managed to watch them out of order on the DVR. And yet it was not hard to follow. Sometimes I have to pause to let the awkwardness of Tyra's end-of-show proclamations wash away, but I always hit play again.

The Rachel Zoe Project. Utterly addictive, also watched via marathon. Perhaps the most transparent quest for catch-phrase stardom ever broadcast. And yet...I die.

A Boatload of CNN. I'm beginning to find Lou Dobbs tolerable, which probably means I need to switch to MSNBC. Election coverage makes me miss being a reporter (a little).

While feeding Logan in the exact same chair two years ago, I watched two straight seasons of Project Runway via Netflix. And so far, Logan seems fine. Although he does really, really like shoes.


Mandy Chalman said...

My favorite midnight breastfeeding show is Gilmore Girls. Just FYI, an episode comes on everyday on ABC Family. :) Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

i don't have a child to breastfeed 8-10 times a day and tune in AVIDLY for Rachel Zoe. Not only do I DIE, but it's BANANAS and my sunglasses will NEVER be big enough.