Friday, October 24, 2008

Visiting Hours

Today Oliver and I went back to the NICU as visitors, not patients, to view the beautiful Heaston twins (see Keeping Up with the Heastons blog, link at right). My heart just aches for my friend Miranda and her husband, not because I'm not certain this all ends with them bringing their gorgeous boys home, but because I know how overwhelmed they must feel about all they have to get through before that day. But the boys are looking good and my fingers are crossed that they are home in 2008, which seems likely*. Best. Christmas. Present. Ever.

On the way in we saw my OB/GYN, who delivered Oliver and Avery. It was fun to introduce them, since he had not seen Oliver in many weeks. However, I think Dr. M thinks I have some kind of Stockholm Syndrome where I can't stop visiting the NICU again and again even though we've been released.

*Universe please note that this proclamation is not in any way endorsed by the Heastons, so don't try anything funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have visions of Oliver looking up at you with a mini-version of his Mom's "this is NOT funny" look as you walked into the NICU. Then...he realized you weren't bringing him back as a resident...and all was well.