Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Disgust, Followed by Restoration of Faith

Grinchiest Christmas Eve moment:

Someone thought it would be a fun idea to tip over the recycling and trash cans on our street last night...which means, of course, the collectors didn't take them when they rolled by. Which means, of course, that our street didn't have trash or recycling pickup on the eve of the biggest trash-producing days of the year. Nice. How was that even fun?

We righted our own bins and our neighbors' and picked up the spilled items, then called the city's sanitation services to ask one of the trucks still in the area (we could hear them a few streets over) to double back. Needless to say, the request fell on deaf ears and there was a lot of repeating of how it would throw the workers off schedule and they were not required to pick up trash that had been knocked over (yes...we get it). My tax dollars at work. Thanks, city of Austin. Appreciate the effort.

Sweetest Christmas Eve moment:

I took Logan to Saks Fifth Avenue this morning to pick up some Kiehl's Silk Groom, which is the only product I've ever found that helps control the "texture" (frizz) in my hair and is worth every single penny and the trip to inappropriately snotty Saks.

Naturally, Logan decided that waiting for the couple in front of us to be helped in their pressing decision on which eye cream to purchase was an awesome time to begin a whining campaign. The couple gave us a bit of an "ick, get away from us, breeder" look and went about their business for quite some time, with Logan getting increasingly vocal. I was in a very "mom who has given up" outfit of sweats and a cardigan, because we were housecleaning today and getting ready for Christmas. And of course my hair was not at its best because I was...duh...out of Kiehl's.

Finally, our turn came, and as I dug around in my bag for my wallet, pushing aside a sippy cup and Cheerios, the salesman let down his snotty Saks facade and asked Logan if he wanted to sit up on the counter while I paid. Logan LOVES him a counter, so he sat happily while we finished our transaction. As I packed up, I joked to the salesman that I'd warned Logan there was "no whining in Saks" but he didn't get the message.

The guy smiled, leaned in, and said "There's plenty of whining in Saks. It's refreshing when it comes from an actual toddler."


Felicia said...

Unfortunately, the people who knocked over the trash are the same people who have to smash pumpkins on Halloween. :-)

I say when you have snotty people in front of you like that, let Logan go for it if he's on a tear already. You go boy. I think that salesman sounded like a very down to earth person. Very refreshing.

Bethany said...


Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha. that is an awesome story.

Anonymous said...

BTW, you are (also) cracking me up with your City of Austin logo and Kiehl's product shot. Your extra-mile blogginess is inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I love the salesmen at Saks! (i.e. I love gay men!!! I do!!!)