Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Red All Over

Logan is getting a red tricycle for Hanukkah. Grandpa Philip warned us (kind of gleefully) that there were "a lot of parts" to be put together.

So with trepidation, Larry opened the box last night as we half-watched Joe Biden on Larry King (actually, Larry watched Joe Biden and I watched Larry. Equally entertaining; equal possibility of hilarious inappropriateness). As it turned out, although there were a lot of pieces, about half of them were already assembled. Which is not to say the directions were not annoyingly inefficient.

Nonetheless, Daddy managed to piece it all together in about 45 minutes except for one errant bolt, which we decided was "extra" for an "emergency." (Yes, a hardware emergency. Shut up.) It's beautiful and we're excited to unveil it to Logan. He also has a matching bike helmet, which is blue with a soccer ball on it and, inexplicably, the number "77."


Felicia said...

Very Nice. i'm sure he will love it.

Felicia said...

Oh I forgot, I just wanted to reassure everyone out there, you're not allowed to have leftover parts in Aircraft Maintenance, but on a tricycle it's ok. Just an FYI :-)