Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Toddler Mind

Logan, do you want some juice?

Yellow juice*, mommy!

OK, here is some yellow juice in your alphabet cup.

No, mommy! Want it out of my cup!

**(Inner thought: how will I give him juice out of a cup? What does that even mean?)**

Buddy, that's your juice.

No, mommy, no yellow juice!

**(Inner thought: it's that or unsweetened sun tea, my friend.)**

What kind of juice do you want?

Yellow juice!

OK, there it is.

Oooh, mommy, yellow juice!

**(Inner thought: where did I put the Xanax?)**

*Watered-down limeade.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

We're having a lot of trouble on the translation front too. Frustrating.

On the positive, at least Logan says, "yellow juice." We get, "EEEEEEE AHHHHHHHA MINE!"