Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Land Grab

I've been impressed with how well Logan has taken to having a baby brother. He's been eager to join Ollie in his crib and he always wants to make sure Ollie is coming with us when we get in the car. I've heard and read that toddlers are fine with baby siblings until the babies gain the ability to encroach physically on the toddlers' space.

Welcome to encroachment.

Ollie is not crawling yet, but he is a speed demon with the belly crawl and the length of his reach is astounding, as those who witnessed him snatch the burning candle from his birthday cake this weekend can attest. The more (volume, frequency) he's able to grab, the less pleased Logan is with his presence. Add to that the tsunami of new toys that arrived with Ollie's birthday and we've had quite a few ignored lectures about sharing over the past few days.

Here is a brief moment when Ollie was allowed to play with his own toy from Cousin Wills.

Logan is not in the picture because he was on the couch sulking. Prior to this, he'd instructed Ollie to "Keep your hands to yourself!" and also informed us that Ollie's new firetruck is "MINEMYFIRETRUCKMINE." This morning he generously agreed that Ollie could play with one of his new blocks.


Felicia said...

Well it is part of growing up, for all of us, right!?! Ollie looks so happy there.
Sorry Logan but the Truck was for Ollie, I already gave you a truck. You will learn

Emily said...

And look how Ollie DELIGHTS in cousin Will's gift (cousin Will was ACTUALLY present when this gift was purchased!). Logan is so funny when he sulks all I can do is laugh.

Grandpa Philip said...

Well, however Oliver and Logan sort out their fraternal turf wars, this much seems clear: Olliepop easily clears the very high photogenic bar set by his brother and cousin.

--Grandpa Philip

Bethany said...

Man, I hope our kids get out of this "mine" phase soon. Yesterday, Violet referred to all of the planes at the airport as "MINE!" I thought she was going to freak when other people got on her plane.

She also claims singing. If Dave or I sing, she says, "No Mama! MY SING. Mama no sing."

It's a blow to my ego really.