Monday, November 24, 2008

First Day Back

We ought to be grateful, but things went so swimmingly today with my return to Bulldog, I'm actually suspicious that the roof will cave in tomorrow.
  • Our morning routine went off without a hitch. In fact, Logan, Larry and I ended up in the living room staring at each other when we realized we'd actually completed the routine with 10 minutes to spare! I got to nurse and cuddle Oliver for 45 minutes when we got up, and then an extra 15 minutes right before I left.
  • Jumping back into work was not at all difficult. Even with the new faces that have joined since I've been gone, it was nice to see all of the familiar faces. The few hours I've spent each week checking e-mail and handling major crises were worth the investment, even if I had to do them at 1 in the morning, because I did not have to deal with 2,000 stacked-up e-mails in my inbox and could start getting up to speed on real projects, as opposed to wading through a bunch of junk.
  • And most important of all, by far, is that Oliver had a good day with our wonderful friend N, who is going to stay with him for a while so I can transition back to work in peace and we decide how to handle his care. Knowing that he was in loving hands made a tremendous difference in my day. Of coure he was on my mind all day (as Logan is...that's just parenthood) but I was not worried.

Definitely an emotional day, but a pretty good one. We'll see what happens tomorrow.


Bethany said...

You're awesome...I expected nothing less than success here.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I wasn't there to greet you! I'll do my best to send random snarky thoughts your way during work hours over the next few weeks.

Felicia said...

I like the way you put it, your friend "N". It's like Agent X. It sounds very cool that way.