Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sweet Peace, Indeed

Grandma Margaret might have been a little alarmed at our haggard appearances last weekend. Today UPS delivered the Graco "sweetpeace." It's kind of a swing/bouncy seat hybrid, but with every bell and whistle you can imagine. It makes our bouncy seat look like something they would have used on Little House on the Prairie. And it's all designed for Mission Impossible: Get Oliver to sleep.

We put Oliver in about 20 minues ago and so far, he seems to like it. The real test will come later this evening, around 9 pm, which is his super-fussy time. Our success metric (as we say in the marketing biz) is: Does it allow Mommy to take an uninterrupted shower?

The sweetpeace includes:
  • Multiple rocking positions

  • A plush headrest and padding

  • A dock for one's iPod, so you can play baby music or soothing sounds of your choice

  • Its own custom swaddle blanket


kristin said...

I totally thought you were kidding w/ the iPod dock thing, so I looked it up on Amazon. Sure enough, there are pre-loaded soothing sounds (rain, wind, heartbeat) or you can hook up your own MP3 player! I seriously hope this helps. God speed.

Felicia said...

Oliver did enjoy it for quite a while. It seemed very neat, and the Ipod hook up was awesome.

Bethany said...

That's nicer than our couch.