Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Big Well Check Is Tomorrow

Baby Ollie has a big day tomorrow: his 1-year well check. For term babies this is a pretty standard appointment, of course. For Ollie, well, it's a little bit of a big deal because we'll get an official read on how much he's "caught up" and if there are any red flags we need to worry about.

I don't think there are. I think he's doing great. Even though he is not quite hitting 1-year milestones, he is making steady progress. Nonetheless, it will be a long time before I can shake the "expect anxiety" feeling of Oliver's medical monitoring and thus I am remaining cautiously optimistic.

Things I hope to discuss:

Switching to whole milk. Since I weaned Ollie in May he's been on formula for two months. It's stinky and expensive and I'd love to be done with it. But, if we need a few more months, that's OK.

The ear tags. Oliver was born with skin tags near his ears. This is not uncommon, although it was a little scary. Skin tags near the ears can be a signal of kidney problems, the NICU docs told us--with Ollie that was not the case. We had two of them removed in the doctor's office about 6 months ago. The others are more complicated and will require surgery. We agreed we didn't want to put him through anything like that until he was at least 1, so tomorrow I will probably get a referral at least to have someone take a look and tell us what's what.

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