Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Sarah Palin was just on CNN after voting in her hometown. Someone asked who she voted for...which is a pretty stupid question to waste time on. But her answer was a little freaky. She said she didn't have to reveal that and, like all Americans, was exercising her right to keep her choice secret. Uhhhhh...OK. You do that.

I've always been a sucker for the ceremony of Election Day. Watching the long lines for voting on CNN today actually does my heart some good. I love watching the candidates cast their votes. For just one day, I choose to believe that it's possible to improve some of the major problems of our country while reveling in the great things about it. Cue America the Beautiful.


Anonymous said...

I heard on NPR this morning that Lincoln didn't vote for himself because he didn't think that was proper. Maybe Palin is equally... ok,no, never mind.

Felicia said...

Ok, I have just got up from the floor and can't remember what comment was going to be anymore after reading this first comment!!! HA HAA Ha Ha.