Friday, November 21, 2008

Mr. Clean

Logan is utterly obsessed with the concept of "cleaning" lately, which to him means dragging around a sponge mop or Swiffer mop (without the sponge or the Swiffer pad inserted). We've been allowing this, as there's no harm and it's certainly part of his natural curiousity to do the things we do around the house (he also likes to "make" his own sandwiches and wipe up spills).

All of this resulted in a most interesting scenario yesterday, in which Larry had to separate Logan from his mop in order to change him into jammies. As Larry carried Logan into his room, Logan reached desperately over Larry's shoulder, screaming "Nooooo! More cleaning!!!" If only we could fast forward 12 years, I'd be glad to get him his very own mop and let him go to town for real.


Felicia said...

I can honestly say I have NEVER gone through that phase. "God bless the little children," as the song goes.

Bethany said...

We have friends who's kid loves to clean. They totally take advantage of the situation -- and it makes the kid happy.

They have miniature versions of pretty much every cleaning apparatus available.

Miranda and Roger said...

I'll pay him $10, a candy bar and a cat if he'll clean my kitchen floors.