Thursday, April 9, 2009


Logan hasn't been eating much since he's been feeling a little under the weather. Tonight we tried to leverage his obsession with the neighbors to generate some interest in the comfort food we'd prepared for his supper. It was an especially intriguing evening: Earlier, we'd actually sighted the neighbors playing in their tree house.

While pushing his food around, Logan asked me what the neighbors were doing. I told him they were eating supper. Larry added that they were eating a supper of pancakes and yogurt. Logan gave us a thoughtful look and took a few spoons of his yogurt and two bites of his pancake. Larry finally got up to give Ollie a bath and I stayed with Logan, hoping he might eat more.

Eventually he looked out at the neighbors' house and said, "Eating supper?"

I said, "Yes, they are eating their supper and they are having exactly what you are having! What do you think they are eating right now?"

He regarded me, smiled ear-to-ear, and said, "Chicken nuggets!"

1 comment:

Amy said...

LOL. He's got you right where he wants you. ;)