Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sleepytime Ollie

Several people have inquired about Oliver's sleeping habits of late, and I've been remiss in reporting that he's been doing very well. We've been putting him down at about 7 PM and he's actually quite good at putting himself to sleep; it's not necessary to put him down fully asleep.

Lately he's been rocking as much as a 7-hour stretch, waking up at 2 a.m., nursing very quickly then going right back to sleep until about 5 a.m. Now, since I can not bring myself to go to bed at 7 p.m. with him, I'm still somewhat sleep deprived. However, getting back that two-hour stretch of quiet in the evenings after Logan goes to sleep has been very, very nice.

Regardless, we're fairly certain, thanks to the constant river of drool, hand chewing and evening fussiness, that he's started teething. So whatever patterns we've established are about to be disturbed, anyway.

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