Monday, August 24, 2009

Five Things That Were Horrifying

Five things that were horrifying about our trip to Sea World.

1. 3.30 am Sunday after a fun evening of swimming and a picnic supper. Oliver wakes up squalling. We offer milk, which he takes. We put him back in the pack and play. He screams and screams and screams. Embarrassed that we are waking up the entire resort, we spend the next two hours picking him up and putting him back (which makes things worse). Logan is also up, as we are all in the same room. Poor Ollie is out of sorts, not used to the pack and play and overtired after a full day. Finally at 5.30 am, Larry takes to the streets of San Antonio, driving Ollie around the area to put him to sleep. It works and we all go back to a fitful sleep until 8 am.

2. The heat. This was no surprise. It was well over 100 degrees. All of us were drenched. However, nobody got sunburned. In our pale and freckled family this is a big deal.

3. Disinterest at the Shamu show. Logan spent the entire 25-minute show obsessing over a bottle of purple Gatorade and throwing Cheerios on the floor. The arena is shaded, so it was a good chance to get Ollie out of the heat and give him a bottle. The show is pretty corny, though, so it wasn't our favorite part of the trip. It's called "Believe," if you can imagine. I really thought Logan would like it because of all the splashing, but he couldn't have cared less about poor Shamu and his gang of killer whale friends. The jellyfish and dolphins were much bigger hits with him.

4. Alligators in hiding. I was interested in seeing Alligator Alley. The alligators were interested in being almost completely submerged in cool water with only their snouts showing. Thus, we spent 4 minutes staring at a murky lake before moving on. I realize #3 and #4 are more "annoying" than "horrifying."

5. Tummy trouble. Oliver has been home since our return with a tummy virus. I can't trace it back officially to Sea World, of course...

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