Monday, August 3, 2009

A Well Check Goes Well

Ollie's well check went, well. He's in the lowest percentiles for weight and height, but at least he's on the chart! His lil' noggin is in the 50th percentile.

Dr. P said there were "no neurological red flags" and that he looked "perfect." He also said "good work to Mom and Dad!" which made me love him just a little.

We are cleared to move him to whole milk, which will be such a relief. No more smelly formula, no more mixing bottles. Although I have to say, thank you, Neosure and then regular Enfamil, for helping us make sure Ollie got what he needed. You were worth every penny.

We are also OK'd to have Ollie's skin tags checked out. We will probably start with the ENT who did Logan's tubes. I'm sure there will be many updates on that.


Felicia said...

He's perfect, like you said, as long as he's on the chart. Give him lots of Auntie Felicia lovins.
Miss all of y'all.

Tim Wilson said...

That's great!

One down, 13 or 14 more until he drinks his first beer and can say bye-bye to whole milk!

Miranda and Roger said...

yay ollie! you're doing awesome! (and yay mom and dad! you're doing awesome too!!)

Aunt Emily said...

YAY, Ollie! He is very robust and healthy. Sure, he's little. He came into the world early! But what an eater!!! GOOD BOY!