Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hats, Paint and Popsicles

Well, it's been a fun week at day care. As in previous weeks, there are lots of activites on the calendar for the early preschool summer program.

For the other kids.

For Logan, it went like this:

Monday: "Conformity day." Wore summer program shirt like everyone else. Uneventful.

Tuesday: Crazy hat day. Although he has, in the past, insisted on wearing his sparkly blue bowler hat to school, on Tuesday he refused to accessorize in any way, insisting he "does not like hats."

Wednesday: Face painting day. Logan will not let anyone touch his face. Reports having "painted my feet."

Thursday: Kinderdance day. Logan does not admit to having participated in any kind of dance program. Talks incessantly all evening about green popsicles.

Tomorrow is Splash Day. Typically we all agree this is a fun day.

1 comment:

Felicia said...

"does not like hats." Has Logan been talking to Granddaddy Bills lately?