Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I often try to capture photos of Logan and Ollie in scenarios similar to those I remember having with Aunt Emily (before she was Aunt Emily, of course). I have early memories of climbing into her crib with her. How did a two-year-old manage to unlatch a crib, crawl in and relatch it behind her? This we do not know.

Anyway, fast forward about 38 years.


Felicia said...

OMG, so adorable.

Aunt Emily said...

They are looking EXACTLY alike here (and EXACTLY like their mother as a child, in my opinion...not that they don't have their daddy's cuteness in there!).

P.S. Apparently nobody was watching me! But, I lived!

Grandpa Philip said...

For the record, I have no recollection whatever of the reported incident. Not saying it didn't happen. Just saying....

Grandpa Philip