Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our Day, by the Numbers

Number of hours Logan watched Yo Gabba Gabba while sitting on the couch wrapped in his puppy blanket today: 7

Number of half-hour episodes we actually have DVR'd: 6 (yeah, do the math)

Pieces of waffle he ate before listlessly pushing away his plate: 2 (maximum: 4)

Minutes I entertained him in the doctor's office after deciding to heed my hunch that we're dealing with more than a regular cold: 45

Number of ear tubes that, sure enough, have fallen out and are no longer doing their job in Logan's ears: 2 (maximum)

Number of ear infections Logan has: 1 (a mild one, though, we caught it early)

Number of subsequent infections within a three month period we're willing to accommodate before considering a third set of tubes: 3

Time exhausted Mommy will be going to bed tonight: 9


Felicia said...

Aww, I can mentally see poor Logan with your description. Poor wee-man. I do hate when those boys are sick. Ear infections are so painful!! Curse you ear infection!!

Aune Emily said...

A mommy knows!